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logback-classic是log4j的一个 改良版本。此外logback-classic完整实现SLF4J API使你可以很方便地更换成其它日志系统如log4j或JDK14Logging。
元注解的作用就是负责注解其他注解。Java5.0定义了4个标准的meta-annotation类型,它们被用来提供对其它 annotation类型作说明。Java5.0定义的元注解:
* Indicates that an annotation type is automatically inherited. If
* an Inherited meta-annotation is present on an annotation type
* declaration, and the user queries the annotation type on a class
* declaration, and the class declaration has no annotation for this type,
* then the class's superclass will automatically be queried for the
* annotation type. This process will be repeated until an annotation for this
* type is found, or the top of the class hierarchy (Object)
* is reached. If no superclass has an annotation for this type, then
* the query will indicate that the class in question has no such annotation.
* <p>Note that this meta-annotation type has no effect if the annotated
* type is used to annotate anything other than a class. Note also
* that this meta-annotation only causes annotations to be inherited
* from superclasses; annotations on implemented interfaces have no
* effect.
* @author Joshua Bloch
* @since 1.5
@Target说明了Annotation所修饰的对象范围:Annotation可被用于 packages、types(类、接口、枚举、Annotation类型)、类型成员(方法、构造方法、成员变量、枚举值)、方法参数和本地变量(如循环变量、catch参数)。在Annotation类型的声明中使用了target可更加明晰其修饰的目标